Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ben is Two

Ben is Two!

We have had such a lovely day… Ben’s party went really smoothly, and everyone seemed to have a really good time! It didn’t rain and so the kids were out in the garden, ben I’m sure ate his weight in sweets, which is always a good yardstick for a party and is now sleeping off the sugar… A good time was had by all… Here are the photo’s…

The Cake

The Table

Look no Rain

Before the Party

Watching "In the Night Garden"

My Cake

Happy to You

Enjoying my cupcakes at creche


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Looks like you all had an absolute ball! I thought about you guys all day on Saturday but my stupid phone was locked in my office at work so I couldn't even text you! BIG Happy Day To Ben love the Devans. xxx

Fiona said...

I love the cake Kerrith, so very cute. It looks like they had a ball. Birthdays are so exciting and I am glad you had such lovely weather. Nana Fi xx