Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Alien Walking

It has just been so busy around here since I went back to work that I have had to put updating the blog on the long finger! I am really starting to feel that there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. And worse, Bob and I are both starting to feel the guilt of working parents I think, I know I am anyway... I feel that I have so little time with Ben that I'm starting to get annoyed with the creche because they get to see him all day and don't seem to appreciate it!!! Thanks feminism movement in the 70's, now women aren't allowed to stay home with their children ... Okay, sorry for the rant - I'll get on to the real reason why you are reading this Ben...

He is just changing every day. Yesterday when he got home he decided that crawling is no longer for him and "walking" on his hands and feet is the way to do it, an added bonus is that he goes faster now. It is so funny to see, he looks like a little monkey - we've taking a little movie clip of it, but I have no idea of how to post it somewhere for you all to see. Also, breaking news is that we are now breaking liguistic [sp?] boundaries and starting to say "da da", really it's "ga ga" but you know Bob - he said da da first! Ma ma doesn't even get a look in!

Our angel child is also treating us so well and for the last week has slept through!! And this when we finally reached the end of our tether and decided that we were going to let him cry it out and put himself back to sleep... AND in the same week he decided to cut two more teeth - a molar on each side! I must be honest too, he has taken teething in his stride, honestly apart from a little nappy rash you wouldn't know that they were sprouting...

Here I am three paragraphs later... thinking I would just write a quick note and bang up some photo's... but there is just so much to say...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Birthday Parties

We had a wonderful day yesterday in the park for the twins 2nd Birthday. It was a great venue because the kids could run around and play without getting into anything... The weather was really hot, even though it was overcast for most of the day - very muggy!

It is great getting out the house over the weekends and we are so aware of making the most of what's left of the summer, as the days are already getting shorter. We have another party this afternoon - Rosalind is 3, and it's going to be great fun as there will be a bouncy castle and entertainers!... Here are a few more pics of the day yesterday...

Sorry the are not the right way round, don't have time to correct them today... Also, I'm not in any cause I was the photographer...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

War Wounds

It's been another rollercoaster of a week! As you can see on the photo, the hospital cauterised the little blood vessel on his face to stop the bleeding... Which only worked temporarily I might add as we had A LOT of bleeding from... But on Tuesday the majority of it fell off and now he just has a small little spot on his face, and thank goodness, it's much better now.

It's a Bank Holiday weekend here, which means I have Monday off... and Bob is taking Tuesday to be with Ben so it's going to be a good week next week.

Will post again soon with pics from the weekend - two kiddies parties to go too... busy busy....