Friday, March 03, 2006

What a few days...

It's been a bit crazy here these last few days... Everyone is trying to convince me that it's Spring now (in March!!) but the last two days it's been snowing!!! Nothing has stuck on the ground but it's freezing cold and we've had some pretty rough snow storms (well, pretty rough for Dublin anyway)

Luckily so far Ben hasn't gotten sick at all - all the other babies round here are on antibiotics for chest infections and tonsilitus and even Robin is as sick as a dog at the moment with a cold... I'm hoping it stays that way because the last thing I want is for Ben to be sick when we're off in Hawaii.... That's right, we leave next Friday and we're all really looking forward to it - both the location and the break... Will think of you while we're away :)

So long, til next time...

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