Friday, June 02, 2006

Finally - A bit of Sunshine

I haven't posted in a while because we haven't really been out and about much because of the rain. May has been the wettest on record - EVER! But come the first of June the weather seems to have turned thank goodness and we spent the whole day out yesterday ... Ben even got a bit of colour at the beach. He is so funny now flapping his arms has become his language. Let me translate:

Fast flapping with "mmmmmm" sound directed at toy = I want that!

Very fast flapping, accompanied by kicking feet in cot = Ha Ha, no WAY am I sleeping now

Arms straight out and stiff with low growl = seeing something/someone different for the first time

So, now you are all fluent in "Ben" :)... Mom is arriving in two days and Bob is off to SA next Friday for a week and while he is looking forward to catching up with everyone and seeing his family I know that he's going to miss Ben (and me)...

With summer finally here I'll have lots to write about, so check back soon...

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