Okay, so those of you that are sensitive to over indulgent mothers who think that there children are beautiful and like to show them off at any given opportunity - invited or not - stop reading now! I want to dedicate just one entry entirely to Daniel, who is changing daily and who has already at seven weeks shrugged off his "newborness" and has become a lovely, chubby baby. He is still sleeping well and I'm delighted to say lights up when his brother is around (as long as he's not hungry, sleepy, windy or generally cranky)... So who lights up some of the time his brother is around :)... He is also BIG on eye contact... As long as someone is talking to him face to face he's a happy little chap. I am so enjoying him and like all my previous posts, am loving being a mother of two - somehow I feel my family is more complete now...
Mom left today, back to Dubai. I was very sorry to see her go, but knowing that we'll be there for Christmas is something to look forward to. It was wonderful having her over and having her here to get to know Daniel a little... The next time she sees him he'll be six months old!
Here are a few more photo's of the boy...
1 comment:
Oh Kerrith he is too beautiful. I am sorry I have not commented for some time but the family is here and it is just too busy so I am doing this quickly so you know that we are looking and alive. I will write soon. Love Fiona and Peter Lilian and Eugene are here too and send their love. xxxxx
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