Sunday, June 08, 2008

Our Weekend

We've been exploring a little and found our local beach - Kiliney. And it's oh so posh :)... Lovely beach, we went down and the amount of yachts and sail boats was amazing... And it was pretty too. We had lunch with the Kents today and I loved this photo of ben and katie - on the Dora laptop...

Daniel has been a little under the weather and has had a really high temp for the past three days. If it doesn't come down by tomorrow it's off to the doc for us. I've been saying this so much lately, but I can't believe that Daniel is going on one - we bought his present today - a tricycle with safely bars so he can't fall off. Can't wait to take him on walks with it.

1 comment:

Buck said...

Hi, Kerrith!
I keep up with your blog regularly and thoroughly enjoy the life and times of the Fishers! Those are such beautiful boys! Good times. I feel like I'm in touch with you more than I am, because I read your blog. I'll do better writing e-mails...I promise! ha Hey, *we* had that 3 day summer over here in Oregon, too! :)