Sunday, May 23, 2010

Meet Starsky

So this is the newest and final addition to our family :) He's just a bundle of cuteness!! Seriously.

What a fantastic weekend! The sun shone, and it was HOT! I feel like we had a four day weekend we did so much stuff - and BBQ'ed both days. A visit to the Zoo, a picnic at the beach, a view house viewings (which is very usual for us at the moment) and time spent with friends. Lovely!

Look at all my teeth

The brothers Co-operating

A little bit of attitude

Coy smiles


Anonymous said...

I hope those bunnies are both the same sex, otherwise you are going to make a fortune selling rabbits! And that's what I like to see, a brother helping a brother.
Luv 2 u all
The Nanny

Anonymous said...

Oops, maybe that second rabbit is a hamster?
The Nanny

Wendy said...

hehe I think its a hamster the nanny ;) love the new pets. I am so wanting to get pets so am tres jealous. wonderful for the kids who are looking fabulous by the way xxx