Monday, April 04, 2011

Hello out there... Okay, you could be forgiven for thinking that I have dropped off the planet, and in some ways I have felt like I've been off the grid. But I feel like I'm back again... so if anyone is still looking in - sorry for the long break. And if no one is out there (which at this stage I could understand) then I'll just ramble along to myself quietly ...

I'm not going to give a run down of the last four months - it would be tedious, but needless to say detox went okay, almost lasted the 28 days... We survived Rachel's 2nd Birthday (my baby is two!!!!!) and we managed to fit in a 10 day break to Maui (heaven) and now it's roll on Easter Break and my MIL's impending visit... In between that it's been the routine of school and weekend home decoration (which is impossible with three sets of little hands trying to help with paint and drills and everything else DIY related).

And here is what you really visit for - the kids :) :

Rachels Cakes
Ben on the Beach (yes I know, hat and gloves, but it IS Ireland!!)

The Aunty and Uncle!


Gina said...

Visits to the beach wrapped up in layer upon layer of warm clothing. Coming home numb and red cheeked. This blog post has brought back some great childhood memories!
Glad you are all well

Mom of Three said...

Gina, that's so funny - because when I visit your blog the same thing happens for me. I know Australia is not South Africa, but the lifestyle seems the same Thank you for your positive comments re the Healthy Lifestyle. It is such a battle as I use food for comfort, but we have recently had to sit up and take notice because my husbands cholestrol is not good at all. Isn't it strange how you know what you need to do, know the theory really, but it's so difficult to put into practice... Love your blog by the way, you look like a very happy, fun family :)...

Wendy said...

IM here!! all the kids look lovely.. more pictures please. glad your detox went well. Whats happening on the house front ?
lovely to "hear" from you again
Love Wends

Buck said...

Ireland...cold and rainy just like Oregon! Ice on the horse water buckets this morning and it's mid-April. Ditto on more pictures. What is the detox?
love ya