It is fair to say that the last few weeks have been a period of chaotic distraction adjusting back to work – and getting to update Ben’s diary was a luxury that I wasn’t able to fit in!… I can’t believe that it’s been so long since I wrote an entry…
As most of you know, I’m back to work now… And while the first week was excruciating I think Ben and I are both settling in to our new routine. I hate being away from him, but I have to admit that there have been some positives to the move to crèche. Ben seems to be a lot happier with his own company, and while he is still quite clingy he’ll play with his toys on his own for a lot longer than he used to. Robin drop him there every morning, and I get to pick him up in the afternoon – and I must be honest it’s the highlight of my day…
I find I’m very busy now… there are always bottles to wash, food to make, clothes to fold, and it is very rare that I’m able to relax before 9 or half 9 at night… I’m not complaining mind… The up side is that I feel very productive these days … Isn’t it a case of the glass being half full…
The big news is that Ben is now crawling properly!! Classic textbook – and he is pulling himself up to stand against anything he can find. Anyone want to take bets that he’ll be walking before his first birthday??? We are in the midst of a heatwave here (temperatures in and around the high 20’s) and so we took him swimming on Sunday at the National Aquatic Centre and he had a great time – both Robin and I want to encourage his love of water… The only little down side is that he now has a very chesty cough… He’s not sick and doesn’t have a temperature, but he does sound like he’s been on a pack a day since birth…
I have been quite surprised, and pleased, that my little scribblings are actually being read… Who knew… ? Robin has come home a few times and said that people are complaining because I haven’t blogged for a while… So thank you, it’s nice to know that my Ben has an audience of people who care about him… With that said, I’ll promise to write more frequently…